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c 2000  Your NameSongTM .  .  .  
     .  .  .  piano solos and other music for young people
                              by Denise G. Jones, M.Mus.

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Copyright Notice.

©  Copyright 2000-2013 by Denise G. Jones, a.k.a. Allaine KitkoohThe copyright to all goods offered through this site belongs to the author, composer and/or editors of the same.  All rights reserved.  Web Site authored & created by Denise G. Jones, a.k.a. Allaine Kitkooh.  All rights to Web Site material reserved (unless another copyright holder is specified).  Any and all images, etc., on this site, and the goods sold or otherwise distributed through this site may NOT be duplicated without first obtaining written permission from the copyright holder -- and then, only on a limited basis.  They may not be duplicated for profit or any other commercial purpose, or for any kind of multiple distribution including the internet. 
This site was created on Tuesday, 29 February 2000.

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